Saturday, August 29, 2009

50 Days

According to the "smokefree quit meter" it has been 50 days. I have learned over the years when stopping any negative behavior that time is not to be watched too closely. Essentially it is about changing one's thinking. Embracing lifestyle changes that were not a part of my life before. I can truly say that my breathing as of this writing is easy and unobstructed by a cough or wheezing. Very nice! Just got back from bicycling and of course I am feeling pretty relaxed after the workout.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another Day Smokefree

Life can be stressful at times. Especially with trying to do the things that are right. Of course taking care of one's health is right. I had dream just recently and in that dream I was smoking. The good thing in the dream I was aware that I had decided to stop smoking. After waking up I was relieved that it was just a dream. It just goes to show how insidious this smoking thing can be for people such as myself that are addicted to cigarettes. I am going to head out and take a bicycle ride after posting and take advantage of my improved health as a result of not smoking for a month and a half.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Out getting a little exercise

Just came back from golfing. I used to smoke while golfing. Looking back the 2 don't seem to go together. I always had to lay the cigarette down to take a shot. I heard golf as a "good walk gone bad". Although I used a golf cart today. Feeling a little sore but overall good.
I also ran across the following article and thought that I would post it:

Don't smoke and avoid secondhand smoke. Not only does cigarette smoking cause 87 percent of lung cancer deaths, but also it is responsible for most cancers of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus and bladder. In addition, secondhand smoke is responsible for an estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths annually among U.S. nonsmokers. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemical agents, including over 60 substances that are known to cause cancer. While the risk of developing smoking-related cancers, as well as noncancerous diseases, increases with total lifetime exposure to cigarette smoke, stopping smoking has major and immediate health benefits, including decreasing the risk of lung and other cancers, heart attack, stroke and chronic lung disease, according to

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Keeping it going

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with things that are not smoking related. I do however realize that smoking was where I always turned. When things got overwhelming I would smoke more nasty cigarettes than usual as a coping mechanism. I no longer have that and I am still searching for new positive mechanisms that help me to cope. Having this commitment to this blog helps but I will need to find more. I will report back with others in the coming weeks and months.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cook County to ban smoking on all hospital grounds

Cook County to ban smoking on all hospital grounds --
Cook County government's medical system will ban smoking entirely at all its hospitals and clinics in November, stubbing out outdoor smoking on its properties, officials said Wednesday. Smoking has long been banned inside hospitals and clinics, but it now will be forbidden on all land owned by the Cook County Health and Hospitals System.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Trying to keep it simple

Someday are better than others. Yesterday I noticed no cravings and today there were a few thoughts about having a cigarette. However I definitely don't want to come back and report that I have smoked again on this blog. As I had said earlier that is one of many deterring factors. Sometimes the simplest things I have to repeat to myself. Smoking certainly is a learned behavior and repeating the things that keep me from smoking are hopefully becoming a learned behavior. As I had also eluded to earlier my immediate health, economics, smell are all deterring factors as well as not wanting to be handcuffed to the cigarettes again.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Just came back from bicycling and it felt good. After a month of non-smoking I can feel that I am stronger without a lot of effort. While bicycling I do not have a lozenge in my mouth. One of the side effects of the lozenges is that it can increase the heart rate. Of course being on the bicycle increases the heart rate naturally. I do however chew gum, which is usually some type of gum that whitens the teeth. It was hot out there today so the gum also helped to alleviate the cottonmouth. There were not a lot of cravings to smoke today. However I don't think I am "out of the woods " so to speak as far as the cravings go.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just a realization

I have noticed that I have more energy and or feel less sluggish at this time in my withdrawl from cigarettes. A simple thing but gave away my lighter to a neighbor last night. Just another sign that I am making a concerted effort to step all the way to the other side. I like it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More teen smokers butting out

Aug. 11: Federal officials said Tuesday that tobacco sales to those under age 18 in this country have fallen to their lowest level in years. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

One Month

As of yesterday august 10,2009 it has been one month without a cigarette. Feels good! Just came back from doing a promotional video. However it was not about smoking. I was there with about 8 others doing this particular video. Out of the 8 people participating in the video only 1 smoked. Probably I was the only one to notice, none the less it is important to me.

I also noticed something at the motel that I was staying at. Below the room #'s were small non-smoking signs. All the smokers had to go out to the front of the motel and sit about 30 feet from the front door. Smokers get their fill of exercise and the elements whether they want it or not.

The other important thing that dawned on me that the need to tell others besides just the readers of the blog about my non smoking lifestyle is probably not necessary. I am sure that there is a lot of people that maybe have smoked a few times in their life and quickly realized that themselves and smoking were not a mix.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A hot day

I was thinking that even on hot days like today is supposed to be, that I smoked. Of course the cigarette never tasted good and kind of burned and dried the throat out. I would have to say that is a pretty obvious sign that I am addicted to cigarettes.

I happen notice again last night how much cigarettes are not in vogue so to speak. As we all know that smoke or have at one time or another smoked that within the last 20 years or so, that smoking has been come more vilified. Quite possibly that is a good thing so that their is a clear understanding of the hazards of smoking. It is almost a given that if you smoke you will be required to go out and smoke in the elements when at someone's place other than your own.

I am also noticing that for the most part that the world is full of non-smokers. Of course I am taking the steps to join them. "One Day At a Time".

Saturday, August 8, 2009

One of the things I now do that I wasn't doing while smoking is bicycle ride. I thought" what ‘s the point if I am still smoking". This morning was one of those mornings where I thought of a cigarette. I would imagine that is normal seeing as it has not been quite a month since I stopped. I am as of this writing sucking on my first lozenge of the day and that is helping. I am not sure if it is psychological or the nicotine actually helps.

I wanted to also point out that for the most part I am eating healthier. The other important point is that now that I am blogging about not smoking I have further incentive to not smoke. Lastly the my lungs are still clearing out so to speak. I will probably use the "breathing machine" later to test how I am making progress..

Friday, August 7, 2009

Smoking Cessation: Four Ways to Quit

By now, even the tobacco companies agree: smoking is bad for your health—very bad, in fact. Cigarettes are the most hazardous, but cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco also contribute to tobacco's terrible toll. And secondhand smoke is an important cause of death and disability in people who never light up. We're making progress. Over 45 million Americans have quit, and many communities prohibit smoking in public places. But more than 20 percent of adults still smoke, and the habit remains more prevalent in men than women. Tragically, thousands of teenagers take up smoking every day. We can do better. Fortunately, there are more ways to kick the habit than ever before.

The hazards of smoking Tobacco is responsible for one of every five deaths in the U.S. That adds up to over 435,000 lives lost each year, and over 8.5 million Americans suffer from chronic illnesses caused by smoking. All in all, the average nonsmoker lives about 14 years longer than the average smoker. And the worldwide burden is truly staggering. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking will kill about 650 million of the world's 1.3 billion smokers alive today.
Smoking is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease. About 20 percent of all cardiac deaths are caused by smoking.
Between 80 percent and 90 percent of all patients with emphysema owe their lung disease to smoking. Chronic bronchitis and pneumonia are among the other lung diseases that are increased in smokers.

And there's more. Smoking contributes to many other health problems, ranging from cataracts, sinusitis, and dental disorders to aging skin, heartburn, diabetes, osteoporosis, and two issues of special concern to men, bladder cancer and erectile dysfunction.
The more you smoke, the higher your risks—but even a few cigarettes a day will harm your health. "Light" and "low-tar" cigarettes are no safer than high-tar brands. The only truly safe dose of tobacco is zero.

Smoking and sexuality
Classic movies may make smoking look sexy, but men who smoke are likely to experience exactly the opposite effect. Because smoking damages blood vessels, it's a major cause of erectile dysfunction. According to a 2005 study of 2,115 men in Minnesota, men who smoke at some time in their lives are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men who never smoke. And current smokers are even worse off than former smokers; even in their 40s, current smokers are 2.7 times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than former smokers and nonsmokers. It's a worldwide problem; in fact, a 2007 study blames smoking for nearly a quarter of the cases of ED in China.

As with other smoking-related maladies, erectile dysfunction is most common in heavy smokers. And as with other smoking woes, quitting helps. In a 2007 study of 20 smokers, penile blood flow began to improve within 24 to 36 hours of the last cigarette.

The benefits of quitting
Quitting helps, even if you've smoked for years. Within days, your blood vessels will regain much of the normal function that is damaged by smoking. Within weeks, you'll be able to taste food better, and your sense of smell will recover from tobacco's assault. Within months, symptoms of chronic bronchitis ease up, and lung function improves within a year. Quitting reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke within two to five years. And the risk of lung cancer begins to drop substantially within five to nine years of quitting.

People who kick the habit, regardless of age, live longer than those who continue to smoke. And since each pack of cigarettes costs our society $7.18, quitting will help America's budget as well as yours. Nicotine is addictive, and quitting is hard work. There is no way to succeed without really trying. But if you set your mind to it, you can quit.

There are four basic strategies for quitting. Look them over and decide which is best for you. Most smokers start by trying to quit on their own, but many end up needing several methods and several attempts before they kick the habit. And even after you quit, it's important to keep your guard up. Just as an alcoholic can fall off the wagon after a single drink, just one cigarette can fire up your nicotine craving even after years of abstinence.

Kicking the habit: Do it yourself
Don't kid yourself by trying to cut down; nearly everyone who tries slides back up to their usual dose of nicotine. Cold turkey is the way to go, but it takes preparation. And even without professional help, cooperation from family and friends can be important. Here are some tips:
Make a list of reasons to quit and another list of people who have kicked the habit. The first list will remind you why quitting is important, and the second will show you that folks who are no stronger or smarter than you have succeeded. Keep your lists handy and refer to them whenever you begin to waver.

Pick a quitting date and stick to it. Plan to quit on a special day, such as a birthday or the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout event on the third Thursday of each November. Steer clear of stressful periods, and avoid holidays if you are likely to be invited to smoke-filled parties.

Try to get other smokers in your household or circle of friends to join you in quitting. A 2008 study found that smoking behavior spreads through both close and distant social ties; your resolve and success can help your friends and, ultimately, your community.
As your quit date approaches, throw out your ashtrays, clean your house, car, and clothes, and clean your teeth. Once you're away from it, you'll realize how much smoking stinks.
Anticipate withdrawal symptoms such as grumpiness, restlessness, irritability, hunger, headache, anxiety, and drowsiness or insomnia. The discomfort usually peaks one to three weeks after you quit, and then it gradually diminishes. To get through the rough patches, stock up on low-calorie snacks and sugarless gum or candy to keep your mouth busy. Plan enjoyable diversions to keep your mind busy. Think of ways to keep your hands busy.
If you feel tense, try meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.
Begin an exercise program. It will relieve tension, promote good sleep, and help control weight gain. Walking for 30 minutes a day can really help.

Eat a healthy diet.
Stay away from secondhand smoke. Don't even think about smoking "just one"—even a single puff will set you back. Reward yourself. Put your tobacco money aside in a kitty, and then spend it on a special treat.

Think positively—you can quit. Take it one day at a time. And if you slip, try, try again—either on your own or with one or more of the other strategies for quitting.
Kicking the habit: Behavioral support
Quitting is your responsibility; it may be hard, but it doesn't have to be lonely. Many employers, health plans, and hospitals offer individual or group counseling. Your doctor or your local chapter of the American Lung Association or American Cancer Society can refer you to a program in your area. Telephone support can also help; you can try it for yourself by calling the National Smoking Cessation Hotline at 800-QUIT-NOW. Hypnosis is another alternative that has helped some smokers break free.

Kicking the habit: Nicotine-replacement therapy
Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemicals. Many are harmful, but nicotine is the most addicting. Like other addicting substances, it acts on receptors in the brain's "reward center," creating a sensation of pleasure and a craving for more nicotine. The craving has made billions of dollars for Big Tobacco, but it has cost the public much more, in health and money. Nicotine-replacement therapy can short-circuit the craving without introducing the other disease-producing chemicals.
Nicotine replacement is safe. You'll get less nicotine than from cigarettes, and you won't get any of the tar, carbon monoxide, and other damaging substances in tobacco. Plan to start nicotine-replacement therapy on the day you quit smoking. If you are a heavy smoker, you'll need higher doses. Estimate how much nicotine you need based on an average of 1 to 2 milligrams (mg) of nicotine per cigarette. Start with the full dose, then gradually taper down over several months. Under-dosing is more common than overdosing, but you should not smoke while using nicotine-replacement therapy.
Five types of nicotine replacement are available in the United  States. Nicotine patches deliver a steady dose of nicotine throughout the day, providing round-the-clock protection from craving. The other products deliver a higher dose of nicotine faster, but protection also declines faster. The short-acting products can be used on demand to counter a sudden nicotine craving. If you wear a patch, you can also use short-acting nicotine products to suppress breakthrough craving.
Here is a quick review of the options for nicotine-replacement therapy:
Nicotine patches are available over the counter. One popular 24-hour patch (NicoDerm CQ) comes in three strengths: 21 mg, 14 mg, and 7 mg. Place a new patch on clean, unbroken, hairless skin each day; you can leave it in place all day. Most smokers should start with the 21 mg dose, but if you weigh less than 100 pounds or smoke fewer than 10 cigarettes a day, you should start with the 14 mg strength. You can reduce the dose every one to two months as your nicotine addiction resolves. If you have bad dreams while wearing a patch at night, you can use a 16-hour patch that you remove at bedtime. Mild skin irritation is the most common side effect. Store and discard your patches with care to keep them way from young children.

Nicotine gum (Nicorette) is available over the counter. If you smoke more than 25 cigarettes a day, you should use gum that provides 4 mg of nicotine per piece; if you smoke less, use the 2 mg dose. Chew a piece of the gum whenever the smoking urge surges, up to 30 pieces a day. Aim to wean off the gum in about three months if possible. Chewing replaces the oral stimulation of smoking, which can be an advantage, but some people find the taste unpleasant, and some develop hiccups or indigestion. Coffee, tea, beer, and soft drinks may interfere with nicotine absorption.

Nicotine lozenges (Commit)are available without prescription. If you usually light up within 30 minutes of waking, you should use the 4 mg strength, while others can use the 2-mg lozenges. A typical schedule calls for one lozenge every one to two hours for six weeks, then every two to four hours for two weeks, and then every four to eight hours for the final two weeks. Don't eat or drink while using a lozenge, and as with nicotine gum, you should avoid acidic beverages for at least 15 minutes before use. Nicotine lozenges are safe for use with dentures. Side effects may include an unpleasant taste, nausea, indigestion, or mouth tingling.

Nicotine inhalers (Nicotrol inhaler) are available by prescription. Each cartridge delivers a "puff" of vapor containing 4 mg of nicotine. The cartridge is placed in a device that resembles a plastic cigarette holder, which may help satisfy a smoker's oral urge. The average dose is six to 16 cartridges a day for up to 12 weeks, followed by a gradual reduction in dose over the next 12 weeks. Most of the nicotine is absorbed from the mouth, not the lungs. Side effects may include mouth or throat irritation and cough.

Nicotine nasal sprays (Nicotrol NS) are available by prescription. Each spray delivers 0.5 mg of nicotine. Use one spray in each nostril whenever you feel the urge to smoke, up to a maximum of 10 sprays an hour or 80 a day for three months. Side effects may include nasal irritation, sneezing, tearing, and cough.

Individual smokers may prefer one form of nicotine replacement over the others. Experiment with various types and talk to your doctor about the prescription forms. Remember, too, that nicotine replacement works best when combined with behavioral support, prescription drugs, or both. And smoking cessation always requires a good dose of willpower.

Kicking the habit: Prescription drugs
Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) was initially approved to treat depression and was then approved for smoking cessation. It does not contain nicotine and can be used in combination with nicotine-replacement therapy. Start taking bupropion one to two weeks before your quit date. The usual dose is 150 mg once a day for the first three days, then 150 mg twice a day for eight to 12 weeks, or longer if needed. Bupropion can reduce weight gain after quitting. Possible side effects may include dry mouth and insomnia; seizures are very rare.

Varenicline (Chantix) is the newest drug approved for smoking cessation; although experience is still limited, it also promises to be the most effective. It blocks nicotine receptors in the brain while also partially stimulating these receptors to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The usual dose is 0.5 mg once a day for the first three days, then 0.5 mg twice a day for four days, followed by the full dose of 1 mg twice a day for 12 weeks or longer. The dose should be lowered in patients with severe kidney disease. Nausea is common, and bad dreams may occur. Mood disturbances and behavioral problems have developed, particularly in smokers with psychiatric problems, but it's not clear that these are caused by the medication. Reports of accidents and visual abnormalities are also being investigated by the FDA. More research is needed.

Top priority
Smoking is Public Health Enemy Number One—so if you smoke, quitting should be your top priority. It will take willpower and hard work, but lots of help is available. You may gain a few pounds, you may go through a rough spell as your body adjusts to life without tobacco, and you may have to try several times before you finally kick the habit. Don't be discouraged. Over 45 million Americans have quit smoking, and you can, too.

American Cancer Society, 800-ACS-2345
American Lung Association, 800-LUNG-USA
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 800-CDC-1311
National Smoking Cessation Hotline, 800-QUIT-NOW Try to Stop Tobacco Resource Center, 800-TRY-TO-STOP
After posting the blog yesterday August 6, 2009 I thought that I should add to it this morning. One of those mornings that I woke up earlier than needed, but with more energy than I would have while smoking. As was said earlier I did not have dry cotton mouth with the cigarette taste. Very nice!

This morning I wanted to let the readers know more of my reasoning to stop smoking. For me personally the negative effects that smoking has on my heart. Proven fact smoking does increase the heart rate when smoking and it lasts quite a few minutes after the last drag and or puff. Coupled with that the # 1 way smoking can kill you is Cardiovasular disease not lung cancer.

I no longer smell like cigarettes. I used to live in the city of Chicago and people that I did not know me would approach and ask for a cigarette when I was not smoking. How did they know I smoked? Of course the smell.

The price of cigarettes nowadays is also a pretty good deterrent. Last pack I bought cost $5.50.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I thought that I might as well as start a blog about my renewed effort to stop smoking. As anyone knows that might have tried to stop smoking it is not easy. As of this writing I have stopped smoking as of July 10,2009. It sure is a “day at a time” endeavor. There are many ways to quit. I have known a few to quit “cold turkey”. That is not the way I have gone this time. I have once again started taking “commit lozenges”. I am taking quite a few as of this writing. I am taking the 4 mg type cappuccino flavored.

To be frank with you taking the lozenges is probably one of the tougher ways to do this. I have found from personal experience that the prescribed medication “Chantix” works best. However lately it has come out that there maybe unforeseen side effects when taking “Chantix”. Secondly, as of this writing it is only available with a prescription.

This morning July 28,09 I actually cut out the step circles out of the usage guide that are in the package you receive with the 72 pack of Commit lozenges. I put them on my calendar. I am hoping this will give me more a target and help guide my usage of the lozenges, which, for now is still at STEP 1. For STEP 1 it is recommended 1 lozenge every 1 to 2 hours for a period lasting up to 6 weeks.

To be frank with the readers I can’t be sure that I keep a strict regiment to this 1 lozenge every 1 to 2 hours. It is probably sometimes more and sometimes less depending on the cravings and the social setting. Nonetheless I know that they are not as bad for me as smoking and I can feel the positive effects that almost 3 weeks of no smoking has had for me.

At this point in my new non-smoking life I should probably talk about one of the exercises I do. It is a lung exercise. I breathe in deep and do notice that I can take in a little more air everyday. In turn I know this helps my brain. You may ask how so? It is quite simple my brain any other parts of my body is now getting more oxygen. I can’t say that I get any smarter. One of the good things I got when in the hospital last year was a little breathing machine. You maybe thinking this breathing machine is electric, it is not. I am able to measure lung capacity. You lung capacity should increase over time. I will include a picture.

Another nice benefit of not smoking is that I no longer at this point a little over 3 weeks have that cigarette taste in my mouth, when waking up. I usually think of a cigarette pretty quickly after waking up. In response to that craving I pop a lozenge in my mouth after eating something. I would have to say that the cravings are strongest in the morning. Sometimes that is best to just think things out. Knowing that I don’t just smoke one cigarette and that if I smoke one I’ll be “back and running”.

Today August 4, 2009 is just another morning to remind myself of the above positive effects. On to a probably not much talked about symptom of smoking. I am still clearing out my lungs and occasionally cough up. Eww! However the coughing up mucus is getting better and I am aware it is just the way that my lungs protect themselves from the smoke. To be frank with the readers that was one of the more significant side effects that got me to stop.