Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Long Does Nicotine Stay in Your System?

It's no secret - smoking kills. While most of the harmful effects of smoking can be attributed to the chemicals and tar that's contained in tobacco smoke, the effects of nicotine should not be overlooked. Millions of people suffer from an addiction to cigarettes. Because of this, it's easy to see why nicotine is considered one of the most addictive drugs available. Like most drugs, it stays in the body, even when you are not smoking.

Easy to inhale - hard to get rid of
The length of time it stays in the body largely depends on how regular of a smoker you are. For people who only smoke once in a while, traces of nicotine can be gone in just a few days. However for someone who smokes several packs a day, it will take a lot longer. Generally these heavy smokers can expect to have traces of nicotine in their blood stream for up to 30 days after the last cigarette is smoked.

How to speed up the process
The good news is there are natural ways of accelerating the process.

Drink your water: water and other healthy beverages have been known to ride a body of all kinds of toxins, including nicotine.

Vitamins does a body good: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has been known to help as well. In this way, not only is a person helping themselves to get the drug out of their system quicker, but also helping themselves to get their bodies healthier in the process.

Working out: not only does exercise help a person deal with the cravings, but it can metabolize all toxins that are in the body.

It's so important to quit smoking as soon as possible. The methods listed above will only be effective after you stop for good.

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