Friday, September 25, 2009

My new smell

Today at work I think I got a roundabout compliment. I had pulled out the tube that my Comitt Lozenges are packaged in. My co-worker asked, "What is that"? I let her know that it is my cigarettes. That is what I call my lozenges that I use. She then replied, " That is why you smell like mocha". She should have said cappuccino. How many times in a week does one use the word cappuccino? Probably none. I asked would you rather I smell like cigarettes or cappuccino? Of course her answer was cappuccino.

It is the little things like that, that help to re affirm that I am doing the right thing by stopping smoking. Of course the added energy I feel throughout the day is another plus. I would have to also say that I am now able to use my time so much more efficiently as one may surmise. Cigarette smoking is such a ritual. I can now say that at times I will watch a person smoke now and can see that in most case it just doesn't look right. By that I mean it seems like an awkward struggle. I am sure that there were many times that I looked awkward smoking. Lastly I have to still keep in mind that I am not that far removed from that awkward struggle.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Feeling Good

I am feeling pretty good today. Unfortunately the self-destructive part of my mind is telling me to have a cigarette. I won't give in, but it surprises me. This too shall pass. As I know I don't just smoke one. I'll be back and smoking. The bloggin helps me to have a commitment to this non-smoking thing.

I am still doing the Commit lozenges. The lozenges definitely help. I have switched to the 2 mg cappuccino lozenges from the 4 mg. I am definitely using fewer lozenges, as I should as per the instructions. I at this time should start thinking about transitioning to regular gum.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Liking not smoking

I am starting to like not smoking. I definitely have quite a bit more energy and seem to require less sleep to feel ready to go for the day. I don't miss having to open my sliding door in my living room to funnel in clean air so my condo doesn't smell like smoke. I am definitely saving money as well as I am noticing that food tastes better.

On the downside I am eating probably a little too much. Did not bicycle this week. I'll have to find time one of the days this week after work. I don't want to put on too much weight as a result of not smoking. Lastly I have recently passed the 2-month mark for not smoking. It is not a lot of time but a good start.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Long Does Nicotine Stay in Your System?

It's no secret - smoking kills. While most of the harmful effects of smoking can be attributed to the chemicals and tar that's contained in tobacco smoke, the effects of nicotine should not be overlooked. Millions of people suffer from an addiction to cigarettes. Because of this, it's easy to see why nicotine is considered one of the most addictive drugs available. Like most drugs, it stays in the body, even when you are not smoking.

Easy to inhale - hard to get rid of
The length of time it stays in the body largely depends on how regular of a smoker you are. For people who only smoke once in a while, traces of nicotine can be gone in just a few days. However for someone who smokes several packs a day, it will take a lot longer. Generally these heavy smokers can expect to have traces of nicotine in their blood stream for up to 30 days after the last cigarette is smoked.

How to speed up the process
The good news is there are natural ways of accelerating the process.

Drink your water: water and other healthy beverages have been known to ride a body of all kinds of toxins, including nicotine.

Vitamins does a body good: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has been known to help as well. In this way, not only is a person helping themselves to get the drug out of their system quicker, but also helping themselves to get their bodies healthier in the process.

Working out: not only does exercise help a person deal with the cravings, but it can metabolize all toxins that are in the body.

It's so important to quit smoking as soon as possible. The methods listed above will only be effective after you stop for good.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Old Behaviors

As of this writing I am back working regular hours at a regular job. It has been a good week. On my second day back when my break came I did think of a cigarette. It was something that I used to do. It was something that I thought relieved stress. However I did not give in and the thought passed pretty quickly. The work can be stressful, but at this point I can see that smoking would just add more stress. I would have to leave the building to smoke and go out into the parking lot into the designated smoking areas. My breaks are just 15 minutes and I know that I would be making my schedule adherence numbers drop. At this particular job I have smoked and not smoked back in 2007 and 2008. When smoking there was a time that I simply took more time than allotted and I am sure that I reeked of tobacco. A kind of nice thing happened at lunch a woman that I did not know said, " I am liking the smell of those peppers". I was having a Taco Salad with a topping of Jalapeno Peppers. If I were smoking she would have probably not smelled the peppers but the smell of tobacco that I usually smelled like.