Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

I have not posted in a while and needed to post. It seems that if I ever do go back to smoking that it would be on the weekend when I have free time. I am doing okay however and as you may see by the meter it has been a few 24 hours so to speak. I am still doing the lozenges as a crutch. I am not sure if I need to. Possibly I should try to transition to gum. It would be healthier and cheaper.

The one observation that I have for this writing, as probably most people know is a simple one. The world is filled with non-smokers. The other observation that as the weather gets colder as long as stick with the non smoking I won't be subject to having to go out in the cold weather. I observed the downside as people gather in the smoker’s area at work. It was cold the other day. The smokers seem to be cold and of course they’re in a hurry to suck as much smoke as they can in a small amount of time. It definitely looks kind of foolish. Let me also say that just a short time ago I could be one of those folks and could be in the future. But for today I won't. As I have heard many times "but for the grace, their go I".


Saturday, October 17, 2009

My weekly post

I just wanted to post and let folks know that I am doing okay and not smoking. I actually have a bit of cold. However the cold is so much less than the usual colds I had while smoking. As I had said earlier the simple act of blogging about not smoking seems to help considerably.

As I write this I am running through my head how important it is that I don't smoke. I don't want to take for granted what this means to me. I have just had my first lozenge of the day and it is late in the day. However as I had said earlier I am supposed to be weaned off of the lozenges by now. I don't think twice about going a little bit beyond the recommended usage dates. I would think that it is simply a guide. My use of lozenges is so much less than they were in my initial days and weeks stopping. Also I would much rather smell like cappuccino and or coffee than cigarettes.

Lastly life is much simpler without smoking. No more having to run to the store and turn the fan on in the living room. It is certainly a "one day at a time" endeavor.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

90 Days and or 3 months

I try not to place too much importance on time. The reason I say that is that one's mind set is what is truly going get someone to be comfortable with change. I am content that I have reached 3 months and or 90 days without cigarettes. My lungs thanks me as does my heart.

However my abdomen is getting larger, as I seem to eat more. I am sure that my increased weight is a result of my not smoking and that oral fixation that goes along with smoking. I am realizing that I don't want to put on too much weight as a result of my not smoking.

Also I am still using the lozenges that I was supposed to be off of as of this time period in my non-smoking life. I guess what I am saying is that I am not perfect. However I am "getting err done".

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Getting there

Slowly but surely I am start to get a few days behind that have been smoke free. I have to say that my lungs are still clearing themselves out. I would have thought by now that would be over by now. Little do I know? I can however say that my breathing is relaxed and unobstructed and that is good. I have been working during the week and not posting as much as I was initially.

I do know that the longest I have quit in my adult life is 8 months and that is the long-term goal. The short-term goal is 3 months, which is just around the corner. With winter coming I'll be doing myself a favor by not smoking. I won't have to go outside when the cold Canadian air starts blowing and my circulation will continue to improve.

My last observation for this evening is I was in traffic on my way to golf and the woman in front of me was smoking. I noticed that she did as I had before and I have seen others do. She put the cigarette out the window to burn when at the light so as to not get too much smoke in the car. The whole thing looked awkward as I imagined I had before.