Sunday, December 6, 2009

5 months

For lack of a better title I used the words “5 months”. It has been 5 months since I last smoked. I feel good about that. Today being a Saturday and somewhat of a lazier day, I had the urge to smoke, but did not give in. This too shall pass! I do know that a part of me will probably always want to smoke. Hopefully I will always think it out before I go puffing on a cigarette. I think when the urge comes on strongest is when I am spending time with people that I used to smoke with as I did today.

As I am writing this I am thinking of the damage that my friend is doing to himself through his insistence on not quitting cigarettes. I know that his doctor has told him to quit and he has access to be able to get a prescription for Chantix, which I think, is the best way to quit. However but for the grace of god there go I. So in essence I need consider myself lucky that I have quit for a while and that I have this tool called blogging. I probably won't be around smokers for a while now so I should be able to more at ease about continuing to not smoke.

I now understand why reformed smokers such as myself are sometimes very reluctant to spend anytime around a smoker. It is just to easy to say "let me borrow a cigarette". However that is an odd thing to say. What are you going to do, give the butt back to them? Well anyways peace.


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