Sunday, January 24, 2010

Again grateful

As the title says I have a lot to be grateful about. Of course I am especially grateful about not smoking for as long as I have made it without a cigarette. I also believe that be being grateful I don't think that I have this cigarette thing whipped. However I have put together over a half year without a cigarette and I feel good about that. I also just feel good in general.

However the one bad side effect has been that I am now weigh more than I ever have. I am anxiously awaiting summer and or warmer weather. I will then resume riding my bicycle and start to work out and hopefully lose some of the weight that I have gained as a result of not smoking.

Given the choice of once again smelling like cigarettes, coughing, wheezing and spending up to 30 dollars a week on cigarettes. I will take the weight gain and deal with this side effect once the temperatures warm up. Peace all!!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Starting the New Year Right

I am grateful to be going into 2010 with having not smoked for a while. Hopefully the longer I go without smoking the more that my commitment will grow. As this point in time my lungs are cleared out pretty good. However to be frank I am still addicted to nicotine. By that I am saying that I am still doing the lozenges way past the suggested stop time. I have been using the lozenges for about 3 months longer than the recommended time. I can say that I don't feel guilty about this but will have to tackle this issue sometime. I am using the weaker of the 2 types of lozenges, the 2 milligrams.

As is to be expected on days that I don't have work scheduled is the days that I use more lozenges. I also like to pop a lozenge in my mouth when drinking a cup of coffee. Not recommended. I am so much less than perfect as we all are but much better than I was when smoking. I can also say that the lozenges are much less expense than smoking. I am not sure what a pack of cigarettes is at this time. When I quit I was paying about $5.50 per pack and was smoking about 3/4 of a pack a day. I was burning up approximately 28 dollars a week. I know that I spend less than that on lozenges especially since I am working 5 days a week and don't use many lozenges on a weekday.

Either way life is definitely much better without cigarettes. Peace all!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

6 months

Well it's a New Year and I did not have to make quitting smoking a "New Year's Resolution". I am grateful for that. However to be frank I of course have to make a re commitment to not smoking as I sometimes have to do on a daily basis. I still don't want to take not smoking for granted.

6 months is now my second longest time that I have quite smoking in my many attempts at stopping smoking. As I read about the process of not smoking. I am quite aware that for most people that stop smoking that it's not unusual to have stop several times before finally one becomes a non-smoker.

Several years back after I had stopped smoking for about 8 months I went and took some cardiovascular tests. Namely the stress test performed on the treadmill. Prior to taking the test I had paper work filled out for the test. One of the questions of course is "Are you a smoker"? I answered that I used to smoke, but had stopped 8 months ago. The woman administering the test informed me that I would still be considered a smoker until I had stopped for 1 year. A little FYI.

Well I had not yet posted in the New Year and wanted to post and wish everyone a Healthy, Happy New Year! Peace!